by admin | 30 Nov, 2022 | Blog, E-Games, Education, Featured, Media, Sport
Elimintating racism, in sport or otherwise will be an ongoing campaign into the far far future. The only way to be effective in eliminating ills of society is by “peeling” them away. In sport eliminating racism is in the real and virtual world. We believe...
by admin | 28 Jun, 2022 | Blog, Economics, Education, Empowerment, Media, Perspectives, Smart City, Tech, Virtual Events
Bridging the gap, to narrow the Digital Divide, Bit2men and other socially conscious organizations such as the esteemed World Expo Congress are organizing in all ways possible to do just...
by admin | 9 Jun, 2022 | Audio, Blog, Media, Podcasts, Tech
Cities on the move, fashionable places, drive the premise of the Motors & Trends nameplate we’ve given our activities in the automotive and fashion...
by admin | 8 Jun, 2022 | Blog, IoT, Smart City, Tech
The age of the Electric Vehicle is upon us. Gaining traction everyday the elecriv vehicle industry as a whole is making inroads with quick innovation and incentives ranging from manafacturers to smart cities, the electriv vehicle is here to stay. Pictured: Mercedes...
by admin | 8 Jun, 2022 | Blog, Media, Podcasts
Truth isn’t a slippery...
by admin | 3 Jun, 2022 | Blacks In Technology, Blockchain, Blog, Digital Money Matters, FINTECH, Media, Success Stories, Tech
Business is competition, and competition means there will be perceived winners, and indeed losers. Wining isn’t luck, it comes from applied dedication to skills and simulated situations to recreate real game conditions. “You only get one chance to impress,...