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Formulas & Acronyms

Sporting Competitions involve strategies whether they be team, one on one, or one against the elements formulas always have played their part to make everything possible Formulas & Acronyms aren’t limited to Sporting organizations like the FIA or NBA for instance

Science and chemistry have significantly contributed to the world of sports in various ways:

1. **Performance Enhancement**: Chemistry is used in the creation of sports equipment and gear. For instance, the right combination of materials can make a basketball bounce better or a tennis racket more responsive.

2. **Nutrition and Supplements**: Sports science and nutrition study how the body uses food and fluids for energy and recovery. Chemistry plays a role in creating sports supplements and energy drinks that help athletes perform at their best.

3. **Injury Prevention and Treatment**: Science and chemistry contribute to the development of protective gear and the understanding of how injuries occur, aiding in their prevention. They also play a crucial role in the creation of drugs used to treat sports injuries.

4. **Research and Development**: Scientific research and development continue to push the boundaries of sports, from studying the effects of altitude on performance to the use of technology in equipment and training methods.